Saturday, April 16, 2011

Day One in Kampala

Well we got started this morning and drove down to the Slum area of Kampala. It was very eye opening to us to see all those people living in what look like sheds. You can not imagine the conditions they live in. Pictures don't do it justice, you need to smell it for yourself! We then Got to Pastor Nelsons church and he shared his testimony with us and how God gave him a vision for this area. The Children were just wanting someone to love on them. Every time we turned around there were Kids hanging on our legs and wanting us to pick them up. Mary Paige and Abbey had the kids really attaching to them and wanting them to hold them and hold their hands. Jeff and I needed some old tires, cans, and some empty plastic bottles for our Urban gardens and Water purification classes. The kids were our biggest help! They ran off and came back with everything we needed. We had some large crowds for both the Urban Garden and Water Purification Class. They had many questions and seemed to really like it. We then went up to the Medical clinic where Josh, Eric, and Amy had people lined up to get medicine. We left there and went to the Boys Home and I shared with them about the power bracelets and what each of the beads meant. We gave them all a bracelet if they could tell us what the beads meant and they all could! We also had a coloring station, making puppets station, and face painting station. Abbey and Mary Paige did a great job painting faces. The boys really enjoyed coloring and were very good at it. As we left to come back to the hotel, the boys lined the fence and waved good-bye. It was such a blessing for me to watch my children love on these little kids no matter what they looked like, what they were wearing, or how they smelled. I am so thankful that God allowed us to come have this experience as a family. Matt Armbruster

1 comment:

Rebecca said...

Hello Uganda Team!

Just wanted to let you know that you are being PRAYED FOR this week!! We pray that God's power and strength will overwhelm you...for clear thoughts and organization for the medical team...and for team unity!

I know God is breaking your hearts for the things that break His...

In Him,
Rebecca and Tommy Cummings