Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Day Two

Today was very interesting, we went to a nursing home it was very different from the ones in America! We took them socks and shoes, washed their hands and sang songs for them. We also prayed for them that God would heal their pain! The people in the homes were homeless elderly who they took off the street! We also visited a Childrens Center where we made balloons for the kids and took them outside in their wheel chairs. We also took a piƱata filled with candy for the children. All the children were limited physically and most confined to wheel chairs. We also had some delicious Hondurian food Beef and Chicken with fried plantains and goat cheese which was really good too. We are having lots of fun and miss everyone!!

Much Love
Bradley Daves


Anonymous said...

Hey Bradley!!
Diana Rockwell would like to know 1.)Why are you eating the food there??? and 2.) Did you also wash the feet of the nursing home residents?
Ok, now that I took care of that (and as soon as you answer, Diana can breathe a sigh of relief...)let's move along. Are you having an awesome time?? I can't believe you're actually in Central America! I'm so proud of you. You'll remember this for the rest of your life. For that matter, you'll never be the same person again. You're making a difference in the lives of those who are MUCH less fortunate and that will change your whole perspective on things.
Give your mom a hug for me, please. I love both of you, bunches!


Anonymous said...

Hey! This is Caitlin Whittington & Chelsea Hoyle. We both hope that you guys are having lots of fun! Keep up the good work chick! Tell everyone we say HEY and that we love them. Tell me all about it when you get back! I love you!
-Caitlin & Chelsea