Monday, November 23, 2009

Uganda 11/23/2009

A Warm Welcome

“We are happy to receive you” was the message our Uganda team heard over and over as we arrived at Hope of Glory Church in the village of Myanzi today. As we walked off the buses following a 2 ½ hour trip, we were immediately greeted by villagers of all ages, shaking our hands and wishing us well. The message was repeated as we entered their open-air church covered by torn tarps that flapped in the wind. As soon as we were seated in the best seats available that had been reserved for our team, Pastor David Ndibanunula greeted us warmly and reminded his congregation of the long hours of travel that brought our team to Myanzi from the United States. The appreciation expressed by Pastor David and everyone we encountered today was both humbling and overwhelming. We were serenaded by the children of the church as they offered their songs of appreciation and welcome.

Soon, it was off to work for each of our teams as we set up in sheds and any spots we could find on the bare dirt grounds of the village. The medical/pharmacy and optical teams were quickly overwhelmed by the number of people seeking help. By day’s end, the optical team had seen 65 patients and the medical/pharmacy team had treated more than 200 patients. Our fatigue was offset by the tremendous offering of love and thanks we received today. One of the most phenomenal parts of our day was that the medical/pharmacy team was able to save the life of a severely dehydrated baby by giving IV fluids. What an impact that simple act made! The optical team had many success stories as well, including finding the right prescription for Pastor David and making him a pair of glasses. He was very grateful.

The men’s and women’s ministry teams shared important information with the villagers and were well received. Steve, one of the men who had worked in this village last year, shared with the team how surprised he was that the men were receptive to his group’s teaching this year. Last year, this was the hardest group for him to reach, so he sees progress being made. Praise God! Last but not least, the carnival team had amazing success as they entertained and loved on more than 200 children.

On a personal note, I was moved today by the attitudes of the people of Myanzi. They recently lost most of their school and church and many of their homes (including Pastor David’s) in wind and hail storms, yet they greeted us like royalty and worshipped God with a fervor and passion that most of us could never imagine. They truly represented “light in the darkness” as their faces demonstrated love and joy in the midst of horrifying poverty. As I pulled my exhausted body onto the bus this afternoon, I was ashamed that I even felt any exhaustion considering how these people live on a daily basis. I was also reminded of the devotion shared by Bro. Richie Farrow before we departed this morning. Using a passage from Acts 20, Bro. Richie implored us to avoid letting our fatigue or other circumstances derail our efforts. He added, “Finish the race. When you leave Uganda, know you have done your best.” We may not have helped everyone today, but I know we did our best.

To our prayer warriors back at home, please keep it up! We have a lot left to do in Uganda. We love you.

Stephanie Kirby


Anonymous said...

Thank you for keeping us posted on your work prayers are stil with the group too.May you each be blessed and safe in your mission work.

Will Tate said...

Hey guys keep up the good work. I wish I were there with you.

Anonymous said...

My heart is so filled to know that these people were able to be touched by God's grace- through you. Praying always....Joanna

Anonymous said...

I recently visited this same village on my mission trip in August - September 2015, and nothing has changed. I thought under Pastor David Ndibanunula's leadership, there would be some progress.

Anonymous said...

Ndibanunula is a fake pastor. He is an imposter.