Saturday, July 26, 2008

Day 6... fun day!

Today we went to visit the Valley of Angels, which is a tourist attraction for shopping. We bought many different items and ate at a traditional Hondurian restaurant. Then we visited a park that has a huge Jesus statue in it. The statue is located at the top of one of the mountains in Honduras. From the mountain you could see the whole city of Tegucigalpa. It was a breath-taking moment when you looked over the edge to see the beauty of God's creation. Even though man had added to it, you could still see God's handy work in the mix. If only we could truly explain the wonder and the beauty of these mountains, unfortunately the only way you can truly understand is when you've been here yourself. We also visited a local Mexican restaurant and the food was interesting. To be honest we're missing some of the food at home, but over all the food has been good. This week has been absolutely amazing and an eye-opening experience. I really do wish I could explain the feeling of being here, but I can't. I hope in some way God has reached you through our blogs and has touched your life in some small way. Maybe you'll want to help more in missions or maybe you'll come yourself next time. Just remember to keep your hearts and minds open to God.
With love,
Bianca Passanisi

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