Thursday, July 2, 2009

Seeing with a Different Perspective

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

As I sit here in the courtyard of the orphanage in hills in the middle of a Third World Country to reflect on the day that was, I can’t help but consider this verse.
Today was a great day. We awoke around 6 AM to make it to Circle. Jessie and I went with the group of older boys. Knowing the foundation of their day is the Word and sharing and worship really encouraged me. These children are getting the structure children, and even adults, so crave.

After Circle, we ate breakfast and broke into our work groups. Jessie went to build and repair barbed-wire fences. I went to paint the soccer court. It was a great day to be painting. The weather was perfect and the fellowship was nice as none of us complained and did the work needed as joyfully as possible. And we all managed to get painted almost as much as the wall in the process.

We had lunch and then I went to the Toddler House and enjoyed my time with Jose and Natalia and Oscar and Luis and Luisito and Yency and several others. My goal for the week is the learn all of their names. I have a ways to go. But they are all wonderful children and a great blessing to be around and love on, so I look forward to the challenge.

Once I got back from the House, I helped label the first batch of Emmanuel Café which is coffee to be sold as a business venture to help support the Orphanage. I feel privileged to be in on the ground floor of it.

Then off to the Wednesday worship service. It was quite a blessing being a part of the bilingual service. Singing songs in Spanish, although we had no clue of the meanings of those words, was great because I knew God honored it and blessed our worship together.

Being here and being apart of something so much greater than me is awe inspiring. I am so thankful God choose me to be in on these blessings. I know He is using this to increase my faith and trust in Him in order that, by His grace, He can conform me into His image and shifting gaze upward.

On the flight in, my thought was the higher we got, the smaller the world looked. As my gaze has shifted higher and moved toward God throughout this week, the “stuff” here means less and less.

Keith Jones
Grace Fellowship Community Church

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