Sunday, July 5, 2009

Honduras Day 6

Friday July 3, 2009

Waking up this morning at 3:45 am was not as planned. One of our fellow team members forgot the time difference and so she decided to take a shower in the middle of the night. Continuing our day at the normal time, we painted, handed out stickers and shoes, and played with the kids. Before lunch we had a tour of the entire orphanage, and had a brief update on the history of each building and how it came about. We were told that Orphanage Emmanuel was founded in 1989 by David and Lydia Martinez who were led by God to raise orphan Honduran children and teach them the way they should go. All the kids have a story behind where they came from. Even though they have been in bad situations, God had a plan for them to come here. This is where we come in.

At the very beginning of our day, we all woke up and joined a circle that was really big. It consisted of every child who lives here and us. We worshiped the Lord by singing songs and listening to Pastor Tim Whaley. Afterwards we ate breakfast and broke up into our groups to minister to the kids one last time. Some went to the toddler house and showed their affection towards the youngsters, which was really needed. Others went to a building to paint columns. Although there were no painted bodies today, there was fun within the group. Anything we do for God, we should always rejoice in it. Everyone else went to see the children with special needs, except Hali, who decided to help with laundry. These special kids are very special so they were the children who had the hardest time letting go.

After our delicious lunch made by the older girls living here, we continued to do what God called us here to do. All the children were sad to see us say our goodbyes since we are leaving tomorrow. Some of the children cried and some of us cried too. It was a very sad time for us all. No one wanted to leave the children here so someone talked to us about sponsorship. Several of us want to sponsor a little kid that we had met while here. After this, we all got on the bus and headed to a local restaurant where we enjoyed fried chicken, mashed potatoes, vegetables, and a dessert of ice cream.

When we returned we had a quick bible study and then headed off to pack the rest of our belongings. It has been a week of praise and fellowship. We have made friendships that will last a lifetime. All of the North Carolina team will return late Saturday night along with part of the Alabama team. The remaining will return Sunday. We have all enjoyed this week and would like to stay, and will most definitely return again.

Bethany, Cameran, & Terra
Mountain View Baptist

P.S. Please pray for our safe return to the United States.

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