Friday, September 25, 2009

Lynch, Ky Mission Trip Day 2 Part 3

I spent the day at Freedom Center in downtown Lynch. We handed out shoes and coats to whoever came up. There was a steady stream of people all day long and as the people poured in I began to realize God was working on both sides of the equation.

On one side, God's love is being showed through helping people get the things they need. On the other side, I am fulfilling my calling through the Great Commission and showing my faith through my deeds. I watched as the Body of Christ came together in unity and became His hands and feet to this community starving to feel the love of Christ.

I spoke with a guy named Josh who had been a Christian for 2 months. He was working in the area helping in the local ministries. I noticed the girlw ith him and asked if it was his wife.

He responded, "Not yet!"

I asked him to explain.

"Well, as I got to reading the Bible, I realized that by me living with this girl, i was living in direct sin against God. And so, i've got to do the right thing before God and marry her."

I couldn't help but notice that he said that he had to do what was right before God. He didn't say that he had to do it for his girlfriend or his son that was on the way. To be such a young Christian, it was amazing to hear those words. He actually got it.

It wasn't about what everyone else thought was right, but that he answers only to God and no one else.

Trey Reed
Community Life

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