We have so much to be thankful for :) Most of all, for God breaking the back of the evil one and giving us life. His power lit us up this week. This team carried the truth of Jesus victory into unknown places with boldness. One person led to another. Some closed the door in our face. Others welcomed us into their homes. Some refused God´s free gift of salvation and others recieved it. We know that some sow seeds and others reap the harvest. God used this team to do both.
At the dump....
We got hit with anxiety and fear yesterday, before going into the dump. We went anyway and God took care of us. It rained and we got wet, but we had a hot shower waiting at home. They didn´t. But thanks to this team and all of those that raised money for their feeding, hundreds of hot meals were handed to the least of these. The local church, La Cosecha de Jesus, is effectively using the newly renovated commercial kitchen for this ministry. Thanks to all who contributed to this development project.
The local church brings some tambourines and sings praise songs with the people. A crowd of 50 or so assembled in a circle as we praised teh Lord together. For a few moments, while we were singing, there were no boundaries - no us and them. They were just like me and I like them, although our outside appearances said differently. It was a glimpse through God´s eyes that I hope no attitude, prejudice, or misconception will ever steal away.
Speaking of stealing..
The Bible says Satan steals, kills, and destroys. I beleive that. It also says, he is the father of lies. I believe that too. Up to this point, I´ve given him a lot of respect, seeing him as omniscient. But these mission trips really take off the camouflage of our big bad enemy and reveal his limits. I don´t believe he can read minds anymore. Look it up and let me know if you see it differently. Also, I usually associate Satan with a powerful prescence of evil, but when we saw him in action this week, distracting our efforts during door to door evangelism especially, I realized he´s more like a pestering prescence than a powerful one. I look forward to ignoring his lies, abiding in the Holy Spirit, and resting on the fact that Satan´s authority is a lot of smoke and mirrors.
God bless you and yours. This week has been awesome. We hope you join in soon!
Friday, May 30, 2008
Thursday, May 29
Today was a very awesome day. We did door to door evangelism all morning and all afternoon after the dump feeding at the surrounding dump area. We did not let the rain stop us from sharing Christ. The mud on our feet was like heavy clay. If for no other reason our group felt as though we planted seeds and one lady at the very top of the hillside prayed to received Christ. One man that lived at the very tip top said that no one ever bothered to come all the way to the top of the hill. We were the first ones to come to their house and share they said. There are no words to descibe the dump as usual. It´s just one of those things you have to experience yourself. People, vultures, cows, dogs, etc. all feed at the dump. These people have tiny card board boxes to live in. These are people who were not fortunate enough to have an education. Therefore they cannot get jobs. Gary gave the gospel message while we were there and we passed out food and tracts. We have handed out food all week as we went door to door and the Church cooked food that we purchased to give out at the dump. To God we give all the praise, honor and glory. It´s all about Jesus and glorifying HIM. He just used us as willing vessels.
Teresa Farmer
Today was a very awesome day. We did door to door evangelism all morning and all afternoon after the dump feeding at the surrounding dump area. We did not let the rain stop us from sharing Christ. The mud on our feet was like heavy clay. If for no other reason our group felt as though we planted seeds and one lady at the very top of the hillside prayed to received Christ. One man that lived at the very tip top said that no one ever bothered to come all the way to the top of the hill. We were the first ones to come to their house and share they said. There are no words to descibe the dump as usual. It´s just one of those things you have to experience yourself. People, vultures, cows, dogs, etc. all feed at the dump. These people have tiny card board boxes to live in. These are people who were not fortunate enough to have an education. Therefore they cannot get jobs. Gary gave the gospel message while we were there and we passed out food and tracts. We have handed out food all week as we went door to door and the Church cooked food that we purchased to give out at the dump. To God we give all the praise, honor and glory. It´s all about Jesus and glorifying HIM. He just used us as willing vessels.
Teresa Farmer
Today God has Blessed us with door to door ministery. The devil started in this morning but we prayed and God prevailed. This trip has been an awesome expierence for me! Thanks Toni for all the daily inspirations! My heart has been overwhelmed.We went to the church and the service was so exciting. Yes Mrs Louise, a part of my heart is now left in Honduras. A great friendship with our brother and sister in Christ has taken me to another step. I pray that I can take part agaain next year! God is so awesome and so the Americans and Hondurans togather working to tell people about Jesus. Our lifes are different in some ways but spiritual lifes are the same. Both groups will be praying for each other. May the Lord bless both groups to grow and guide us to do what he wants us to do. That LOVE has bonded us forever. I will pray for the ones who came to Jesus & those who did not to accept him as our Lord & Savior.In his name we Praise. Vicky Pratte
Trinity Baptist in Honduras
Trinity Baptist in Honduras
Surprise Birthday!
Jenna turned 22 yesterday, so we surprised her with cake and coffee. No one knew of the surprise awaiting at dinner tonight. We went to Pizza Hut, adn the entire staff came out to clap and sing happy birthday. Unlike in the states, the Hondurans top off the celebration with dancing too!
Thursday, May 29, 2008
Trinity Baptist in Honduras
Well, the day started off worse than the other two days.
I won't mention what happened, just in case April and Nicole are reading this. I'm okay, walking & talking. Let me tell you about the person I have as an amazing brother in Christ. His name is Harold Heard. He went far and beyond as a roomate down here. Mrs. Jean Heard raised this man right. I will always have him and my family in my prayers.
Now, about today. We went door to door this morning at the church at the dump, handing out food bags, tracts, and bibles. We also led several to the Lord. Then we went back to the church. There, we had our lunch. It was a very good meal of rice, chicken, vegetables in corn tortillas, and I had a light Coke to drink. We as a team decided to give up what we didn't eat to the local families. If you could just see what some of our fellow men live in....most of the houses down here are dirt floors. Very few have concrete floors. Now we are going to the dump to feed the people there.
We don't go by ourselves to the dump. People from the church (La Cosecha de Jesus) go with us to hand it out. Life in the dump doesn't see the difference between kids and older kids. We fed kids and elderly people both. One kid came up to Vicky and myself pointing at the Bible I was holding, so I gave him one. We could see and smell that he was sniffing glue. We also saw a kid sniffing glue from a Coke bottle.
By the way, I didn't tell you it was raining. One of the people from the dump came to me and gave me and Vicky and umbrella. We were soaked by the time we got the umbrella, but we used it anyway.
As we were sitting and waiting for the food to arrive, a group of men came up to ask about the box on top of the van. It was our trash, but they climbed up and took it off the van's rack to get it. A picture of this doesn't do any good to look at. You need to be here first hand.
Tonight, we went to Pastor Tim's church. The service was awesome! Ms. Jenny led the music. Some older girls danced and praised to the Lord, and some smaller ones too. One of the smaller ones was Jenny's daughter. After the praise, we all got up to tell about our testimony. Teresa Farmer led it off, then Vicky, myself, and Harold. I read from 1 Timothy 1:9-10. Then Pastor Kevin's wife got up and asked Jerry to bless a young mother's baby. Everyone did a wonderful job. Then the church members put us in a circle and surrounded us with prayer. We said farewell after that.
I want to thank 4 Corners Ministries, Tripp, Gary, and Jerry for this opportunity to serve the people of Honduras. I also want to thank Trinity Baptist Church for allowing us to go. Also, thank you to Teresa, Jenna, Vicky, Harold, Sheila, Miguel, and Tito.
- Rickey Martini
Venezuela Vet Team No. 2 - Thursday
Today was our last day of work here in the communities that surround the city dump of Maracaibo. We divided up into two teams this morning to accomplish several tasks. One team stayed at Fueñte de Amor to work on any dogs and cats that the people in the community wanted worked on. They worked about 35 dogs and cats throughout the morning. The rest of us went to a household very close to the church to work their pigs. We have been there several time and the owners were very excited to see us coming again. Most of the pigs that this household sells go to people who want to actually raise pigs. This is a contrast to many of the houses that we visit whose animals are either to eat or to use to barter for other goods. They had about 60 pigs and it took most of the morning to work them. We rode to a local farm store with Salvador to let him show us some of the supplies that he uses the most and we were able to buy some of it for him. We ate lunch at Fueñte de Amor with the other mission group that is here working with ITAM. In the afternoon we went to another farm and worked about 30 sheep and about 30 cows. We were able to work the sheep quickly and easily, but each cow had to be roped and worked individually so it took a lot of the afternoon to work them. When we were done there, we took the bus to the dump and those who had never been before were able to go up onto the dump. We ended our work week by going back to Fueñte de Amor and saying goodbye to our friends. It is always hard to leave after such an intense and productive week with our friends at Fueñte de Amor. Salvador poured his heart out to us as we gathered to pray at the church, which deeply impacted our group. Tomorrow we have sight seeing planned around the city of Maracaibo. It should be a good day of rest and reflection on what the Lord has shown us this week through doing His kingdom work.
Wednesday, May 28
This day started off with me not feeling too great, but I¨m doing this down here for not me but for our God. This morning, Jesse Tiner came and had breakfast with us. We went to Ebenezer Academy with Jesse. The principal of the school showed us around the facilities. She showed us where they grow the coffee trees, and banana trees, and the blackberries. We had lunch at the school - rice, and vegetable soup, and blackberry juice. It was delicious!
Then we started going door to door. We had 2 come to the Lord, a grandmother and a grandaughter. Then later on, we had a carnival in an open field with the children of the school and village. We had ball toss, bible story, balloons, and a pinata. Harold and I did over 150 balloons this afternoon and Gary jumped in to help us blow them up. It´s so great to watch the kids faces as we gave them balloons and just to see the smiling faces of the children.
- Senor Rickey Martin
We went to the Ebenezer Ranch today. While the kids played ball toss. Teresa, Jerry and myself played soccer with the other kids. I was able to come to there level and minister to them that we love and care for them. We wanted them to know this. The love of God is a wonderful thing to give as well as to receive. Next, we went to door to door ministery. At one home I prayed for the family then I frooze and Miquel
took it and finished it. Which is what brothers and sisters in Christ do for each other.I am learning how to do things for the first time. I have witnessed the Holy Spirit being right in the middle of evil spirits. But Jesus prevailed and people heard of how to come to Christ. God is so good,so awesome. Continue to pray for us.
Vicky Pratte
Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Trinity Team Wensday May 28,2008
Its another wonderful day in Tegucigalpa as the team made the trek up the mountian side to El Rancho Ebenezer. We all had a great time with the kids at the Orpanage or (ELRANCHO) First we took a tour of the Ranch, picked the most wonderful blackberries you have ever seen, saw a coffee plantation, visited the school, and just hung out and played a little soccer with the kids.
Here at ElRancho they have 41 children in the school,(k-12) a mix of honduran nationals and American children who have parents that have dedicated their lives to make a difference in the life of some Honduduran children. Our Team had an opportuinty to go to Jessie's Room and met his class where he teaches 4th and 5th grade math. We also had a chance to help a little with the black berry harvest that is in full swing here. The Blackberries are as big as your thumb sweet and delicious!
think that each team member left a little of them selves in the soccer field and in the hearts of he children of San mateas today.
We ask that you continue to pray for Pastor Tim the leader of La Cosheca De Jesus in Tegucigalpa as he underwent major surgery for cancer last saturday. He is out of the Hospital and doing better than expected after the massive sugery that he underwent.
Gary Clark
Venezuela Vet Team No. 2 - Wednesday
The second veterinary mission team completed another full day of work in Venezuela on Wednesday. It rained very hard last night and continued to rain all morning as we went out to work. It did not take long for all of us to be covered in mud and soaking wet. It always makes for an interesting day working pigs when there has been so much rain. We worked today in a community very close to the dump. It was the first time this week that we have been that close to the dump, so several of our team members were seeing it for the first time. We worked mainly pigs today, with the exception being a coplue dozen sheep and about 5 donkeys. In the afternoon we worked for about an hour in the same community and then began giving out food. We divided into two teams, each containing with some ITAM staff and Fueñte de Amor members. All together we gave out about 30 bags of food and prayed for each family that we left food with. When both teams were out of food, we gathered back around the bus and had a small carnival for the community children. It is always an amazing time when we get to interact so intimately with all the children. We were going to try to go to the city dump today but the weather did not permit us to go; however, we are going to try to go again tomorrow. Tomorrow is our last work day and we will be working in the community that surrounds Fueñte de Amor.
Trinity Baptist in Honduras
Tuesday, May 27
Not one of my best days. I was at the church while the rest of the team went door to door. I sat with Shelia and Jenny. Sheila is a RN down here and Jenny is a blessing to me. Jenny and the other ladies from the church, Jasena and Janori, are a blessing to us all. Jenny helped us with the balloon ties. I left her April´s pump to so she would have one at the church. Later, Gary told me we could leave the other two with her.
Well, we did it again. This time Vicky helped and later, Jenny pitched in with the puppets. The children really love the puppets.
To let you all know, Pastor Tim is out of the hospital. He is staying in a hotel for a couple of weeks. They found that it was cancer on the kidney they removed. They still aren´t sure about his lymph nodes and the rest. Please keep him in your prayers.
Tomorrow, we will be seeing the Moose (that´s Jesse´s nickname). We´ll be able to spend some time their with the children. We will be putting on the carnival with the orphans and some will be coming from the town.
One more thing, the church has two mothers - one is 17 and the other 18. We will be getting diapers and other materials for these ladies. Teresa held both babies while the mothers did crafts today. She told us that the babies had no diapers on.
Lord, I want to lift up our team to you, right now, that we would spread the Good News to the people in Honduras.
- Rickey Mulkey
Tuesday, May 27
Not one of my best days. I was at the church while the rest of the team went door to door. I sat with Shelia and Jenny. Sheila is a RN down here and Jenny is a blessing to me. Jenny and the other ladies from the church, Jasena and Janori, are a blessing to us all. Jenny helped us with the balloon ties. I left her April´s pump to so she would have one at the church. Later, Gary told me we could leave the other two with her.
Well, we did it again. This time Vicky helped and later, Jenny pitched in with the puppets. The children really love the puppets.
To let you all know, Pastor Tim is out of the hospital. He is staying in a hotel for a couple of weeks. They found that it was cancer on the kidney they removed. They still aren´t sure about his lymph nodes and the rest. Please keep him in your prayers.
Tomorrow, we will be seeing the Moose (that´s Jesse´s nickname). We´ll be able to spend some time their with the children. We will be putting on the carnival with the orphans and some will be coming from the town.
One more thing, the church has two mothers - one is 17 and the other 18. We will be getting diapers and other materials for these ladies. Teresa held both babies while the mothers did crafts today. She told us that the babies had no diapers on.
Lord, I want to lift up our team to you, right now, that we would spread the Good News to the people in Honduras.
- Rickey Mulkey
Tuesday, May 27
This was our terrain today....steep.
We carried food and bibles to people living on either side of these steps. Some opened up to us, and others didn't. We encountered brothers and sisters along the away and helped lead others to Christ.
We encountered ignorance, religeon, and fear today. Some were open, many were closed. Here's a few questions we posed and answers given:
Question: "Do you have a personal relationship with Jesus?"
Answer: "I'm Catholic."
We got this several times. One of the young men with this answer didn't know squat about salvation. He learned about grace today and confessed with his mouth that Jesus is Lord.
Question: "If this was your last day on earth, would you go to heaven?"
Answer: No, I'm not ready. I used to go to church, but not right now.
Most people responded to these questions in relation to their church attendance.
Question: "Would you like to ask for God's forgiveness today and recieve his free gift of salvation?"
Answer: I'm afraid to do that...this is a very serious thing. I'm going to do it little by little.
Door to door evangelism has been a battle, both challenging and strengthening for everyone involved. This team has a great big heart for the lost.
- Jerry Cotney
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Trinity Baptist in Honduras
God has given us another wonderful day! Seeds were planted and several harvested. Then there were those who just refused. Feeling alot of bad spirtual feelings there in the center was the most awesome feelings that our Holy Father was there. The bad feelings tried to interupt our witnessing, but prayer intervened and God pushed away and calmed the area around us. How exciting it was! Two were lead to Christ. God is so awesome! We also afterwards had our 2nd day of VBS with around 40 children. Games, puppet show, music, singing, craft and piniata. Everyone has had a Blessed Day. Continue to pray for us! Love everyone! Lots of motorcycles in Honduras!
lol. Vicky Pratte
lol. Vicky Pratte
Seeds were sewn today May 27,2008. As my team walked the mountain side to do door 2 door ministery. We came upon a local gang. Mequal our interpreter started talking to the boys. Each boy listening to him was taking in each word the he was saying.It was great to see the Lord work through him. I would have never walked up to a group of boys like that. With each seed sewn today the Lord will send someone to water their heart. Please keep us in your prayers.
Jenna Pratte
Jenna Pratte
Tuesday, May 27, 10 PM
Today, we went back to the church at Colonia. We did door to door evangelism as soon as we got there. We felt as though we all planted many seeds. Our prayer is that others will come along and water those seeds. We witnessed to a very special young man named Elmer. He was probably in his 20´s. We told him that we had an Elmer back in the States. He gave all of us on the team a Spanish Christian CD. He was ripe for the harvest. He accepted Christ right away. It is so humbling to go into some of these homes. So many homes may only be cardboard with paper table cloths lining the inside walls and ceiling of the home. Several people wanted us to pray for God´s healing for blindness, deafness and one lady felt several masses in her body. She said they were very painful. Most people here cannot afford food to eat let alone money for a doctor or hospital visit.
The Backyard Bible club went well after lunch. We only had about 40 children today, but God still blessed in a mighty way. They all made wood plaques to take home for a craft. Harold, Vicky, Rickey, Jenna, and a couple of young ladies from the church did the puppets. The children screamed with excitement, and sang lots of songs. We shared the Bible Story about the crucifixion of Jesus and how He arose on the 3rd day. Many raised their hands to receive Christ. At the end they all enjoyed the piniata filled with hard candy. Wednesday we will leave early and go to the Ranch where Jesse Tiner lives. We will do Backyard Bible Club there and door to door evangelism. Jesse will also give us a tour of the ranch. We will have travel a good way to get there. To God we give all praise, honor and glory for everything.
Teresa Farmer
Today, we went back to the church at Colonia. We did door to door evangelism as soon as we got there. We felt as though we all planted many seeds. Our prayer is that others will come along and water those seeds. We witnessed to a very special young man named Elmer. He was probably in his 20´s. We told him that we had an Elmer back in the States. He gave all of us on the team a Spanish Christian CD. He was ripe for the harvest. He accepted Christ right away. It is so humbling to go into some of these homes. So many homes may only be cardboard with paper table cloths lining the inside walls and ceiling of the home. Several people wanted us to pray for God´s healing for blindness, deafness and one lady felt several masses in her body. She said they were very painful. Most people here cannot afford food to eat let alone money for a doctor or hospital visit.
The Backyard Bible club went well after lunch. We only had about 40 children today, but God still blessed in a mighty way. They all made wood plaques to take home for a craft. Harold, Vicky, Rickey, Jenna, and a couple of young ladies from the church did the puppets. The children screamed with excitement, and sang lots of songs. We shared the Bible Story about the crucifixion of Jesus and how He arose on the 3rd day. Many raised their hands to receive Christ. At the end they all enjoyed the piniata filled with hard candy. Wednesday we will leave early and go to the Ranch where Jesse Tiner lives. We will do Backyard Bible Club there and door to door evangelism. Jesse will also give us a tour of the ranch. We will have travel a good way to get there. To God we give all praise, honor and glory for everything.
Teresa Farmer
Vet Team No. 2 - Tuesday
The second veterinary mission team from Auburn University set out again on Tuesday to serve the communities that surround Fueñte de Amor. We started out this morning working in the community of Rafael, a member of Fueñte de Amor. We have worked with him many times in years past and it was good to see an old friend and spend some time with him. This morning we also worked with a veterinarian from the Venezuelan government who has been assigned to that particular community. She travelled with us in the morning and was impressed with our work. As she parted ways with us she told us to let her know if she could be of any service to us in the future. It is amazing how God connects people to be used for His glory and His kingdom. After another wonderful lunch at the church, we played volleyball and basketball for a few minutes, then headed back out to the same community. In the afternoon we worked a rather large farm with about 30 pigs and 15 sheep. We have worked on his animals for several years and he is always so thankful for everything we are able to do. He was so excited to see us coming and talked with us for about 10 minutes after we were done expressing his thanks and telling us of how he has seen improvement in his animals since the vet teams first started coming to his home. We returned back to the ITAM house tired once again, but thankful for another day to do the Lord´s work and spread His LOVE. Tomorrow we are going to work in the morning, deliver food and have a carnival in the afternoon, and then have supper at Fueñte de Amor!!
Trinity Baptist in Honduras
Monday, May 26
Today we were at the church with a back yard bible club. Myself and Mr. Harold were doing music and snacks. By the way, I was told my puppet, the children liked the best because of the laughter. That was because I didn't know how to use it. Half way through the music, I figured out how to use it.
This afternoon, we did door to door. We split up into 3 teams. Vicki, myself, Tito (our driver), Jenny (the lady who does music at the church), and Gary. We had prayer for one family. The mother asked us to pray for her daughter. She has diabetes. We also handed out food, bibles, and tracts as we went along.
Tonight, we will be eating at El Patio, an Hondurean restaurant. After we got back, Gary got the Hotel's restaurant to make us some lemonade. One gallon was made from one lemon! This lemon was the size of a grapefruit.
Vicky and Jenna Pratt are doing this like they have done it before. Vicky did her first witness today and led the family in prayer.
- Ricky Mulkey
Monday, May 26
Today we were at the church with a back yard bible club. Myself and Mr. Harold were doing music and snacks. By the way, I was told my puppet, the children liked the best because of the laughter. That was because I didn't know how to use it. Half way through the music, I figured out how to use it.
This afternoon, we did door to door. We split up into 3 teams. Vicki, myself, Tito (our driver), Jenny (the lady who does music at the church), and Gary. We had prayer for one family. The mother asked us to pray for her daughter. She has diabetes. We also handed out food, bibles, and tracts as we went along.
Tonight, we will be eating at El Patio, an Hondurean restaurant. After we got back, Gary got the Hotel's restaurant to make us some lemonade. One gallon was made from one lemon! This lemon was the size of a grapefruit.
Vicky and Jenna Pratt are doing this like they have done it before. Vicky did her first witness today and led the family in prayer.
- Ricky Mulkey
Today we went to the Church for VBS. The children gathered, close to 100. the children played several games. They enjoyed themselves very much. We enjoyed watching them as well as playing the games with them. They were such a blessing. Then we went on door to door witnessing. We also delivered food to those in very bad need. We gave out Bibles. It was awesome to see faces light up just to receive a Bible. The seeds were being planted. To watch 4 young people after we left them and went down the street to look back and actually see them looking thru the Bible was an inspiration. To see a little girl smiling because she received a Bible was awsome! To be able to pray for a sick young lady. We will carry those prayers back home with us too! The over all response was a great one. Our prayers are with each family that we visited and for those who are sick . Please pray that more will come and accept the Lord as there Savior. God is our answer for all things in our lives. We shared Jesus with anyone who would listen. Vicky Pratte
Tuesday, May 26
Yesterday was an amazing day. We spent all morning doing the Back Yard Bible Club with the children at Colonia Church. We had almost 100 children to attend. We started with recreation which included the Ball Toss and Egg Race. The children had a blast and we did too. Rickey, Harold and Jenna had the puppet show next and incorporated the music along with the Puppet Show. That worked out very well. All the children sang along with puppets. The Bible Story was next. We taught about Jesus and all the miracles he has and does preform. Many children prayed to receive Christ at the end of the Bible Story. We ended with crafts and snacks. We all felt as though we really bonded with the children. A lot of the church members joined in and helped to fill in the gap wherever we needed them. We all worked very well together as a team. The Children as well as Adults at Colonia stole my heart.
After lunch we spent several hours doing the door to door evangelism. We split up into 3 teams. We felt as if we planted many seeds and many prayed to received Christ. When going door to door I had such a burden in my heart because of witnessing the living conditions of these people. Each day is a struggle to survive for them just to get food! It breaks my heart. We take these things for ganite in the U.S. God forgive us!!! We are so spoiled. There were so many people that had never had anyone to share Christ with them and to tell them that they can receive forgiveness of all their sins. One lady did not even know what forgiveness meant nor did she know what a sin was. This really was a wake up call to me. I hope that it is to everyone reading this also. I felt very overwelmed inside at that very moment, realizing how many people are out there that don´t know unless we tell them. The time draweth near. Please God send forth more workers into the harvest field. The fields are so white unto harvest!!!!
Teresa Farmer
Yesterday was an amazing day. We spent all morning doing the Back Yard Bible Club with the children at Colonia Church. We had almost 100 children to attend. We started with recreation which included the Ball Toss and Egg Race. The children had a blast and we did too. Rickey, Harold and Jenna had the puppet show next and incorporated the music along with the Puppet Show. That worked out very well. All the children sang along with puppets. The Bible Story was next. We taught about Jesus and all the miracles he has and does preform. Many children prayed to receive Christ at the end of the Bible Story. We ended with crafts and snacks. We all felt as though we really bonded with the children. A lot of the church members joined in and helped to fill in the gap wherever we needed them. We all worked very well together as a team. The Children as well as Adults at Colonia stole my heart.
After lunch we spent several hours doing the door to door evangelism. We split up into 3 teams. We felt as if we planted many seeds and many prayed to received Christ. When going door to door I had such a burden in my heart because of witnessing the living conditions of these people. Each day is a struggle to survive for them just to get food! It breaks my heart. We take these things for ganite in the U.S. God forgive us!!! We are so spoiled. There were so many people that had never had anyone to share Christ with them and to tell them that they can receive forgiveness of all their sins. One lady did not even know what forgiveness meant nor did she know what a sin was. This really was a wake up call to me. I hope that it is to everyone reading this also. I felt very overwelmed inside at that very moment, realizing how many people are out there that don´t know unless we tell them. The time draweth near. Please God send forth more workers into the harvest field. The fields are so white unto harvest!!!!
Teresa Farmer
God made me pull from his strength today. When my group started going door to door witnessing, we started going up the stairs that looked like they would never end. Half way up, I just wanted to set down forever but the Lord pushed me on. The first house on the top I witnessed 7 people come to the Lord with open arms. What a Blessing!
Jenna Pratte
Jenna Pratte
Monday, May 26, 2008
Ever seen so many puppets?
The hands and feet of Jesus brought them to life today, and along with them, smiles and joy to the Honduran children.
Ricky, Harold, and Jenna entertained dozens of kids in this church today as they sang along to songs in Spanish. The puppeteers did a great job in gathering the children in and preparing them for a Bible story.
Teresa worked alongside our interpreter, Miguel, to share stories about Jesus. Some of the kids shouted out answers to her questions. "He's our savior!", one said. They prayed together, played together, and loved each other today.
This kid was too cute not to photo. He just finished his craft.
Trinity Baptist in Honduras
MS Center continued....

The pink thing to the right is a swinging pinata leg. The kid in the wheelchair is taking a cut at the pinata and just about decked Jerry standing behind him.

Harold Heard, appearing innocently here in this photo, was in control of the swinging pinata. It is rumored Harold staged the attempt to deck Jerry by manipulating the swing of the pinata. Be careful, reader, not to let Harold's good nature and hilarious stories fool you.
MS Center continued....
The pink thing to the right is a swinging pinata leg. The kid in the wheelchair is taking a cut at the pinata and just about decked Jerry standing behind him.
Harold Heard, appearing innocently here in this photo, was in control of the swinging pinata. It is rumored Harold staged the attempt to deck Jerry by manipulating the swing of the pinata. Be careful, reader, not to let Harold's good nature and hilarious stories fool you.
Vet Team # 2 Monday
The Auburn University Vet Team # 2 landed safely last night and got off to a great start today. We had a few "stretching" moments on our path here. Our flight to Maracaibo was cancelled on Saturday and when we did finally arrive on Sunday night, we were missing about 6 bags. Even through all that, the Lord has given us His strength and grace to carry on and be His hands and feet this week here in Venezulea. We picked up Salvadore and his amazing crew this morning and headed out for a long day. We worked in the same community both morning and afternoon, working on close to 100 sheep and goats, 45 pigs, and around 40 dogs and cats. We were able to visit around 10 different homes and leave Bibles, toys, and shoes in addition to working on their animals. The team meshed together extraordinarily well today and everyone was tired by the end, but still in high spirits. We look forward to what the Lord has in store for us the rest of the week and will be continuing to spread His wonderful LOVE wherever we go!!
Trinity Baptist in Honduras - Sunday



We went to a very special place today to see children with MS. They received us with open arms. Starting with hugs and attention. It was a great and humble Blessing to push them around in their wheelchairs and hold them in a swing or play ball. Each child was given a stuffed animal. It was awsome just to see their expressions, their excitement and their desire for love. Each one was an inspiration. God takes care of those that are of special needs. There will be a part of my heart there with them, the other part I will always have with me. What a wonderful day. - Vicky Pratte
We went last night to Church and God really laid on my heart about true worship. Seeing the people in the Church giving God their all. It made me think about my own life of worship. It was very enjoyable and a blessing. - Jenna Pratte
We all made a new friend this time on our mission trip. She is a full time missionary that lives here and she is from Ashville, North Carolina. Her name is Shelia Amick and she is a retired
nurse. She is helping us with our Mission work this week. She is such a blessing. This morning we went to the MS Center and played with the children there. We gave them all of the supplies that we collected from our home church in Roanoke, AL, Trinity Baptist. Thanks for the donations. They really appreciated everthing from the bottom of their hearts. We also handed out stuffed animals to all the children there. All of the children either are in wheel chairs or have to be carried. We tool all of them outside and either pushed them around in their wheelchairs or carried them. We came to Honduras to try and be a blessing, but we have been blessed. We sang with them and bought them a piniata to bust with candy in it. They had so much fun taking turns hitting it with the stick. They had the best time and we did too. Last night we went to the Church Service at Colonia last night. They really taught all of us how to really worship the Lord in a real and powerful way. They hold nothing back. They are bold, radical and unashamed. We had a special prayer time for Pastor Tim. He had his Kidney removed on Saturday and is doing as well as can be expected. He is just very weak. The doctors found a mass in his kidney and is afraid that it may be cancer. It was in his lymph noids. They should have the results either today or tomorrow. Please keep him in your prayers daily. He devoted his whole life 10 years ago to be a missionary and pastor for the Honduran people. We will send another note in the morning about today´s journey in the Lord. Thanks so much to all the encouragement notes from Trinity. We love yall and thanks for your support. We can truly feel your prayers. - Teresa Farmer
nurse. She is helping us with our Mission work this week. She is such a blessing. This morning we went to the MS Center and played with the children there. We gave them all of the supplies that we collected from our home church in Roanoke, AL, Trinity Baptist. Thanks for the donations. They really appreciated everthing from the bottom of their hearts. We also handed out stuffed animals to all the children there. All of the children either are in wheel chairs or have to be carried. We tool all of them outside and either pushed them around in their wheelchairs or carried them. We came to Honduras to try and be a blessing, but we have been blessed. We sang with them and bought them a piniata to bust with candy in it. They had so much fun taking turns hitting it with the stick. They had the best time and we did too. Last night we went to the Church Service at Colonia last night. They really taught all of us how to really worship the Lord in a real and powerful way. They hold nothing back. They are bold, radical and unashamed. We had a special prayer time for Pastor Tim. He had his Kidney removed on Saturday and is doing as well as can be expected. He is just very weak. The doctors found a mass in his kidney and is afraid that it may be cancer. It was in his lymph noids. They should have the results either today or tomorrow. Please keep him in your prayers daily. He devoted his whole life 10 years ago to be a missionary and pastor for the Honduran people. We will send another note in the morning about today´s journey in the Lord. Thanks so much to all the encouragement notes from Trinity. We love yall and thanks for your support. We can truly feel your prayers. - Teresa Farmer
Trinity Baptist Church - Sunday
It´s our first whole day here in Tegucigalpa, Honduras. We are going to the MS (multiple sclorosis) Center today. We´ll spend about 2 hours at the center. We brought diapers, cereal, milk, and paper products. This money came from the Trinity Baptist Church Kingdom Kidz. I just want to thank our children for the support given to the kids down here. You will be blessed.
We bought a pinata today, so the kids had fun hitting at it. We are going to try to post some pictures soon. I want to lift up the ladies that help run the MS center. They have 25 kids and only 5 families that supports their children their.
Tomorrow, we will be doing a back yard bible club with the kids. Please keep Mr. Harold Heard and myself in your prayers as we will be doing the puppet show. 2 grandfathers entertaining the kids!
- Rickey Mulkey
We bought a pinata today, so the kids had fun hitting at it. We are going to try to post some pictures soon. I want to lift up the ladies that help run the MS center. They have 25 kids and only 5 families that supports their children their.
Tomorrow, we will be doing a back yard bible club with the kids. Please keep Mr. Harold Heard and myself in your prayers as we will be doing the puppet show. 2 grandfathers entertaining the kids!
- Rickey Mulkey
Sunday, May 25, 2008
Trinity Baptist Church arrives safely in Honduras
We are finally in the air. I´m still not good at lift off, but I have put into the hands of God. And all is good. We all can´t wait to see brother Tim and Soyla and our brothers and sisters in Christ at the church.
Tomorrow, we will be going to the MS Center to see the children. I want to lift our Lord up to the harvest.
We have landed again at Tegucigalpa. As we are going through customs, we look up not only to see Jesse Tiner waiting on us, but also Gary Clark. But on a sad note, Gary tells us about pastor Tim having surgery today. They found a mass on his kidneys, so please lift pastor Tim up in your prayers.
- Rickey Mulkey
Tomorrow, we will be going to the MS Center to see the children. I want to lift our Lord up to the harvest.
We have landed again at Tegucigalpa. As we are going through customs, we look up not only to see Jesse Tiner waiting on us, but also Gary Clark. But on a sad note, Gary tells us about pastor Tim having surgery today. They found a mass on his kidneys, so please lift pastor Tim up in your prayers.
- Rickey Mulkey
Friday, May 23, 2008
Vet Team Friday
Its early Friday morning, our last day here. We had a really busy and long day yesterday, seeing nothing but dogs and cats. We went to another church in a different part of town, where our old friends Miguel and Rosa now pastor. They were with Fuente de Amor and were the ones that really got the vet team started, but they have moved on. The area they are in has a high prevelence of rabies in dogs (and people), so they asked us to do a rabies clinic at the church. We worked at the church in the morning, with people bringing dogs and cats in to us. We vaccinated them with a 5 way distemper parvo and rabies, dewomed them, and treated them for external parasites. Hebert secured stamped rabies certificates from the health department so that it would all be official.
In the afternoon we struck out on foot in the neigborhood to get the dogs that could not be brought in. There was usually a good reason they could not bring them. Most were really mean. It was extremely hot, and we waned a bit through the afternoon. It was much harder than working large animals, but we did about 85 total, with 77 getting rabies. It was a very busy small animal day. We plan to do more of these in the future.
Last night I had a long and wonderful meeting with Pastor Antonio about possibilities for future partnerships. We prayed together for a long time for the strength and support to continue to help break the cycle of poverty in Paraguachon. It was a good meeting. Today we have some sight seeing planned, but we will end up back at the dump this afternoon for some sight seeing there.
In the afternoon we struck out on foot in the neigborhood to get the dogs that could not be brought in. There was usually a good reason they could not bring them. Most were really mean. It was extremely hot, and we waned a bit through the afternoon. It was much harder than working large animals, but we did about 85 total, with 77 getting rabies. It was a very busy small animal day. We plan to do more of these in the future.
Last night I had a long and wonderful meeting with Pastor Antonio about possibilities for future partnerships. We prayed together for a long time for the strength and support to continue to help break the cycle of poverty in Paraguachon. It was a good meeting. Today we have some sight seeing planned, but we will end up back at the dump this afternoon for some sight seeing there.
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Vet Team Thursday
Today the vet team worked a large Guagiro farm that we have been going to for several years now. The people seem to be more and more appreciative each year, and the relationships just get better. We had a large number of kids from the church helping us again today, and that makes for a lot of fun, especially on the bus. We worked about 30 cows this morning, several of which needed special treatments. We then took a break and worked about 50 sheep. It went very well, but took all morning. Each cow has to be roped and taken over to a post in the center of the pen and tied.
We had a great lunch of chicken and rice at the church, then played volleyball and basketball. We also treated a really sick puppy that belonged to a neighbor of the church. We went to two farms in the afternoon. One belonged to Anna, our oldest friend in Venezuela. She is the first Guagiro we worked with, and is one of the spiritual leaders in the community. She greeted us warmly, as usual, and at the conclusion of our visit, instead of us praying for her, she gathered us in a circle around her and prayed for us. It was a very powerful prayer that touched us all deeply, even though she prayed in a language we did not understand. It was one of the most powerful moments we have experienced.
We returned late to the house and showered and ate another excellent authentic Venezuelan meal. We had a great discussion over dinner, then Barney led an excellent devotion on the topic of prayer. Tomorrow is our last work day. Everyone is holding up well. Spirits are high.
Anashi maleiwa (God is good in Waayu, the Guagiro language).
We had a great lunch of chicken and rice at the church, then played volleyball and basketball. We also treated a really sick puppy that belonged to a neighbor of the church. We went to two farms in the afternoon. One belonged to Anna, our oldest friend in Venezuela. She is the first Guagiro we worked with, and is one of the spiritual leaders in the community. She greeted us warmly, as usual, and at the conclusion of our visit, instead of us praying for her, she gathered us in a circle around her and prayed for us. It was a very powerful prayer that touched us all deeply, even though she prayed in a language we did not understand. It was one of the most powerful moments we have experienced.
We returned late to the house and showered and ate another excellent authentic Venezuelan meal. We had a great discussion over dinner, then Barney led an excellent devotion on the topic of prayer. Tomorrow is our last work day. Everyone is holding up well. Spirits are high.
Anashi maleiwa (God is good in Waayu, the Guagiro language).
Vet Team Working Hard
The Auburn University vet team has had a wonderful two days in Venezuela. We have had two great carnivals the past two nights. Lots of kids and lots of fun.
We have also done very rewarding vet work for some new people and some folks that we have seen before. So far we have treated almost all pigs. Lots of deworming, lots of castrations, and lots of mud. It rained today and is trying to rain again this evening.
We have had tons of help from the Fuente de Amor Church. There are about ten kids catching pigs for us and doing whatever else we need, and of course old reliable Salvadore to handle the tough ones.
The staff of Total World Impact has done a great job with preperation - as usual!
The team is holding up well. Everyone is healthy and happy. I am always amazed at how perfectly God selects these teams to be here. Everyone brings something important to the table.
We have also done very rewarding vet work for some new people and some folks that we have seen before. So far we have treated almost all pigs. Lots of deworming, lots of castrations, and lots of mud. It rained today and is trying to rain again this evening.
We have had tons of help from the Fuente de Amor Church. There are about ten kids catching pigs for us and doing whatever else we need, and of course old reliable Salvadore to handle the tough ones.
The staff of Total World Impact has done a great job with preperation - as usual!
The team is holding up well. Everyone is healthy and happy. I am always amazed at how perfectly God selects these teams to be here. Everyone brings something important to the table.
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