Friday, May 30, 2008

Thursday, May 29
Today was a very awesome day. We did door to door evangelism all morning and all afternoon after the dump feeding at the surrounding dump area. We did not let the rain stop us from sharing Christ. The mud on our feet was like heavy clay. If for no other reason our group felt as though we planted seeds and one lady at the very top of the hillside prayed to received Christ. One man that lived at the very tip top said that no one ever bothered to come all the way to the top of the hill. We were the first ones to come to their house and share they said. There are no words to descibe the dump as usual. It´s just one of those things you have to experience yourself. People, vultures, cows, dogs, etc. all feed at the dump. These people have tiny card board boxes to live in. These are people who were not fortunate enough to have an education. Therefore they cannot get jobs. Gary gave the gospel message while we were there and we passed out food and tracts. We have handed out food all week as we went door to door and the Church cooked food that we purchased to give out at the dump. To God we give all the praise, honor and glory. It´s all about Jesus and glorifying HIM. He just used us as willing vessels.

Teresa Farmer

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