Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Vet Team Thursday

Today the vet team worked a large Guagiro farm that we have been going to for several years now. The people seem to be more and more appreciative each year, and the relationships just get better. We had a large number of kids from the church helping us again today, and that makes for a lot of fun, especially on the bus. We worked about 30 cows this morning, several of which needed special treatments. We then took a break and worked about 50 sheep. It went very well, but took all morning. Each cow has to be roped and taken over to a post in the center of the pen and tied.

We had a great lunch of chicken and rice at the church, then played volleyball and basketball. We also treated a really sick puppy that belonged to a neighbor of the church. We went to two farms in the afternoon. One belonged to Anna, our oldest friend in Venezuela. She is the first Guagiro we worked with, and is one of the spiritual leaders in the community. She greeted us warmly, as usual, and at the conclusion of our visit, instead of us praying for her, she gathered us in a circle around her and prayed for us. It was a very powerful prayer that touched us all deeply, even though she prayed in a language we did not understand. It was one of the most powerful moments we have experienced.

We returned late to the house and showered and ate another excellent authentic Venezuelan meal. We had a great discussion over dinner, then Barney led an excellent devotion on the topic of prayer. Tomorrow is our last work day. Everyone is holding up well. Spirits are high.
Anashi maleiwa (God is good in Waayu, the Guagiro language).

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