Monday, May 26, 2008

Trinity Baptist in Honduras - Sunday

We went to a very special place today to see children with MS. They received us with open arms. Starting with hugs and attention. It was a great and humble Blessing to push them around in their wheelchairs and hold them in a swing or play ball. Each child was given a stuffed animal. It was awsome just to see their expressions, their excitement and their desire for love. Each one was an inspiration. God takes care of those that are of special needs. There will be a part of my heart there with them, the other part I will always have with me. What a wonderful day. - Vicky Pratte

We went last night to Church and God really laid on my heart about true worship. Seeing the people in the Church giving God their all. It made me think about my own life of worship. It was very enjoyable and a blessing. - Jenna Pratte

We all made a new friend this time on our mission trip. She is a full time missionary that lives here and she is from Ashville, North Carolina. Her name is Shelia Amick and she is a retired
nurse. She is helping us with our Mission work this week. She is such a blessing. This morning we went to the MS Center and played with the children there. We gave them all of the supplies that we collected from our home church in Roanoke, AL, Trinity Baptist. Thanks for the donations. They really appreciated everthing from the bottom of their hearts. We also handed out stuffed animals to all the children there. All of the children either are in wheel chairs or have to be carried. We tool all of them outside and either pushed them around in their wheelchairs or carried them. We came to Honduras to try and be a blessing, but we have been blessed. We sang with them and bought them a piniata to bust with candy in it. They had so much fun taking turns hitting it with the stick. They had the best time and we did too. Last night we went to the Church Service at Colonia last night. They really taught all of us how to really worship the Lord in a real and powerful way. They hold nothing back. They are bold, radical and unashamed. We had a special prayer time for Pastor Tim. He had his Kidney removed on Saturday and is doing as well as can be expected. He is just very weak. The doctors found a mass in his kidney and is afraid that it may be cancer. It was in his lymph noids. They should have the results either today or tomorrow. Please keep him in your prayers daily. He devoted his whole life 10 years ago to be a missionary and pastor for the Honduran people. We will send another note in the morning about today´s journey in the Lord. Thanks so much to all the encouragement notes from Trinity. We love yall and thanks for your support. We can truly feel your prayers. - Teresa Farmer

1 comment:

Four Corners Ministries said...

I admire each and every one of you!What a awesome experience you must be having. I wish I was there to share it with you. Each of you are in our thoughts and prayers.